Our Experience,
Working For You.
Vigorously Protecting Your Interests – Since 1946
From Fortune 500 companies, regional hospitals and a major University to small local businesses, we have experience representing your interests in front of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission efficiently and aggressively.
Our Group attorneys have extensive experience before the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission and State courts. Our Group appears before the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission at all of its locations south of I-80, as per the coverage map (shown at bottom of page). We represent national insurers, as well as regional companies, self-insured associations and individual members of private industry and government. We work closely and directly with the employer to ensure the best possible outcome in every file.
Group Practice Philosophy
Our Group philosophy can be best summed up in the following statement: “We work FOR YOU.” Too often, we hear from employers, adjusters and administrators the complaint that they want something done but their attorney “just won’t do it”, based on a disagreement as to how the file should be handled. We believe that our role is to provide our clients with the benefit of our advice and experience accompanied by a firm suggestion as to future activity, with the understanding that our clients are under no obligation to follow our recommendations. Regardless of the client’s decision, we treat it as our own and pursue the agreed-upon course of action vigorously. When it comes to dealing with the opposition, we treat our client’s money as if it were our own, and we are particularly frugal with ours.
Client Services
Defense of claims before the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission:
- We work with the handling agency and directly with the employer in preparing the defense of the claim or guiding it toward an economically wise settlement.
- We report regularly on any activity in the file, ensuring our clients are up to date at all times. If the file is inactive, we provide a file overview and status on a 90-day interval.
- We return phone calls, reply to emails and answer correspondence within 24-hours of receipt.
- We provide regular, easy to read and understand billing statements at any interval designated by the client. We pro-rate charges among files when possible.
- Got guidelines? Our computerized billing service can be modified to fit any system, including those that are internet-based. The same is true for our reporting and contact procedures.
Representation in the Circuit Courts (“Employer Liability” or “Coverage B” claims):
- We represent employers on third party claims filed in Circuit Court, as well as actively pursue subrogation and the recovery of liens in those actions.
- Each member of the Group has extensive background in civil jury trials and uses that knowledge to best effect in the Courts and before the Commission.
- We have defended and collected liens and subrogation interests totaling millions of dollars.
- Group attorneys regularly present seminars to employers, insurance adjusters, and other administrators on the full spectrum of topics within the workers’ compensation world. No charge.
- Group attorneys regularly visit employers to inspect work conditions and investigate accident facts to assist them in better accident investigation and prevention.
General inquiries:
- Group attorneys are always available and pleased to speak to any client or employer who has a question about workers’ compensation. No charge is ever made for telephone or personal consultations for this purpose.
- Group attorneys regularly provide updates on changes in the law or Commission practices directly to their clients, ensuring they stay well advised on those changes. That, in turn, enables the clients to make better decisions on their claims.
Final Thoughts
Workers’ compensation cases can be complex, and require specialized knowledge and handling ability. Although most litigation attorneys in the State dabble in either the prosecution or the defense of workers’ compensation cases, very few limit their practice and devote their full attention to it. Consequently, the dabbler almost always ends up holding the short end of the stick at the case’s conclusion. Through our many years of experience, Group attorneys have developed good working relationships with the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission Arbitrators, with the Commission itself, and with the Petitioner’s attorneys throughout our practice area. They are well known to us and we to them. In addition to being attorneys, we are also businessmen and understand the intricacies and difficulties of running a business in the real world. We bring all of these experiences to bear on the work that we do for our clients. Our goal is to provide the highest quality file handling, combined with a reasonable cost.
Our Group attorneys pride themselves on our relationships with our clients and look forward to developing one with your business. Please feel free to contact any Group member directly at any time. We will provide references upon request.
Attorneys with Concentration in Worker's Compensation

Learn more about the worker’s compensation services we can offer your business.